المسابقات المعمارية

مسابقة مبنى خزانة تقاعد المهندسين

Project: The Engineers’ Retirement Trust building competitionYear: 1970City: Latakia, SyriaBuilding use: Public, GovernmentStatus: executed In 1970, an architectural competition was announced to design the Engineers’ Retirement Trust building, an office building to accommodate the Engineers’ Retirement Trust and the Engineers’ Association headquarters in Latakia. The plot designated for the Trust building sat at the intersection …

مسابقة مبنى خزانة تقاعد المهندسين قراءة المزيد »

مسابقة مَحطَّة انطلاق الباصات والسيَّارات

Project: The Damascus Car and Bus Station competitionYear: 1967City: Damascus, SyriaBuilding use: infrastructureStatus: not executed The Damascus Car and Bus Station project, announced through an architectural competition in 1967, aimed to establish a central transportation hub in the heart of the city, the Baramkeh area. The site chosen was south of the Damascus University administration …

مسابقة مَحطَّة انطلاق الباصات والسيَّارات قراءة المزيد »

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