
المجلسُ النِّيابيُّ السُّوريّ

Syrian Parliament Building Architect: UnknownYear: 1932 – 1954City: Damascus, SyriaBuilding use: Governmental, PublicStatus: builtTeam: craftmaster: Muhammad Ali Alkhayat ‘Abu Suleiman Alkhayat’ 07  The Trefoiled arch consists of three connected smaller archs, while the Accolade arch’s shape is formed from four circles, two with their centers on the inside and two on the ourside.(قتيبة شهابي، زخارف …

المجلسُ النِّيابيُّ السُّوريّ قراءة المزيد »

كلية الحقوق في جامعة حلب

Faculty of Law at the University of Aleppo Architect: MHD Samir MoudarresYear: 1963City: Aleppo, SyriaBuilding use: EducationalStatus: builtTeam: – The Faculty of Law building at the University of Aleppo was designed via an architectural competition in which Syrian Architect Samir Al-Moudarres (born 1936) won first place.01 It was designed between 1960 and 1963, but the …

كلية الحقوق في جامعة حلب قراءة المزيد »

كليّة الطِّب في جامعة حَلَب

Faculty of Medicine at the University of Aleppo Architect: Ahmed Adnan Ikhlasi, MHD Samir MoudarresYear: 1965City: Aleppo, SyriaBuilding use: EducationalStatus: builtTeam: electrical eng. Michel Mansour – mechanical eng. Taj Al-Din Diya – furniture design. Adly Qudsi – site eng. Munther Kayyali. The Faculty of Medicine at the University of Aleppo was established under legislative decree No. 1740 in 1965. …

كليّة الطِّب في جامعة حَلَب قراءة المزيد »

Damascus Car and Bus Station – 2nd prize

Damascus Car and Bus Station – 2nd prize Architect: Abd Al-Rauf Al-KasmYear: 1967City: Damascus, SyriaBuilding use: InfrastructureStatus: Competition proposalTeam: – The Damascus Car and Bus Station project, announced through an architectural competition in 1967, aimed to establish a central transportation hub in the heart of the city, the Baramkeh area. The second prize in the …

Damascus Car and Bus Station – 2nd prize قراءة المزيد »

جامع الكوثر

Al-Kawthar Mosque Architect: Abdul Mohsen KodmaniYear: 1965City: Damascus, SyriaBuilding use: Religious Status: builtTeam: structural engineer: Adnan Showeky 05 the alter facing the Qiblah or the direction of prayer towards the Kaʿbah in Mecca, which in Syria is southwards. 06 Contrary to the original design, the executed windows are divided into thirds both horizontally and vertically …

جامع الكوثر قراءة المزيد »

المجمَّع التّجاري الحكوميّ في دير الزور

Commercial and governmental complex of Deir Ezzour Architect: Bashir MuhandisYear: 1971City: Deir Ezzour, SyriaBuilding use: Government, PublicStatus: builtTeam: – The commercial and governmental complex of Deir Ezzour stands along the axis of the suspended bridge of Deir Ezzour to the southwest, near the banks of the Euphrates River. It occupies a large rectangular plot that …

المجمَّع التّجاري الحكوميّ في دير الزور قراءة المزيد »

مركز الأبحاث البحريّة

The Center for Marine Research Architect: Bourhan Tayara (Arab Engineers and Architects firm) Year: 1971 – 1980City: Latakia, SyriaBuilding use: EducationalStatus: builtTeam: – The Center for Marine Research was established following legislative decree number 2 of the year 1971 and later placed under the administration of Tishreen University, the public university of Latakia, in 1987. …

مركز الأبحاث البحريّة قراءة المزيد »

دار بلديّة درعا

Daraa City Hall Architect: Abd al-Rauf al-Kasm, Youssef Abu HadidYear: 1966City: Daraa, SyriaBuilding use: Administrative, GovernmentStatus: builtTeam: – Daraa’s city hall was designed through an architectural competition in 1966 in the heart of the city of Daraa. The first prize was granted to the collaborating architects Abd al-Rauf al-Kasm and Youssef Abu Hadid in their joint …

دار بلديّة درعا قراءة المزيد »

المكتبة المركزيّة لجامعة دمشق

Central Library of Damascus University Architect: Khalil Al-FarraYear: 1952City: Damascus, SyriaBuilding use: Educational, PublicStatus: builtTeam: – Among types of modern structures, public libraries are most indicative of the development of contemporary architecture and its approach in linking design and aesthetic with function and purpose.” – Khalil Al-Farra.01 In the 1950s, Prof. Constantin Zureiq, Head of …

المكتبة المركزيّة لجامعة دمشق قراءة المزيد »

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