AlWareh during his graduation thesis review in 1971 with the jury consisting of (from left to right) Talak Akili, Khaled Hallaj, Mahmoud Warde, Youssef Abu Hadid, Nizar al-Farra, Nawfal Kisrawi, Raymond Ghosn, Abd al-Rauf al-Kasm, and Bourhan Tayara. | courtesy of the architect
AlWareh in front of the Faculty of Architecture at Damascus University in the 80s | courtesy of the architect
AlWareh in Saudi Arabia | courtesy of the architect

Mamoun AlWareh (b. 1945)

Mamoun AlWareh was born in 1945 in Damascus. He studied at the architecture department of the Faculty of Fine Arts at Damascus University. He graduated in 1972 and was appointed as an assistant lecturer there. During his studies and after his graduation he worked in the architectural firms of the Architects Abd al-Rauf al-Kasm and Talal Akili where he contributed to many architectural projects. Damascus University sent him to Britain to continue his higher education, and he earned a PhD from Sheffield University in 1979. He returned to Damascus in 1980 where he served the remainder of his military service in the architectural unit of the Military Housing Company where he worked on blueprints of the Opera House building. Upon returning to Syria, he continued teaching at the Faculty of Architecture, later being appointed Dean in 2007. He also taught at the King Saud University in Saudi Arabia. AlWareh founded al-ʾIstishārāt wa-l-ʾAʿmāl al-Handasiyya (Consultations and Engineering Works) an architectural unit affiliated with Damascus University, and in later years he also founded ‘The Syrian Consultant Center for Architectural & Engineering Services’ firm.    

Associated Projects:

  • Residential Complex for workers at Damascus International Airport Competition (in collaboration with Architect Charles Kassab) | 1980-82 | 2nd place (draw) – built  
  • International Floral Fair and Planning of Kewan Area | 1982 | Demolished
  • Entrance of Damascus Square (Airport Road) Competition | 1989 | proposal – 1st place  
  • The Higher Language Institute at Damascus University (at the firm of Architect Abd al-Rauf al-Kasm) | Built
  • Intermediate Engineering Institute at Damascus University (at the firm of Architect Abd al-Rauf al-Kasm) | Built
  • Daraa Tourist Hotel | Built
  • Residential city for workers in Banias Oil refinery 
  • Arab Cultural Center of Damascus | Built
  • Residential Village for Teachers in Lattakia 
  • Entrance of Fijeh Water Tunnel | Built
  • Syrian Embassy in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia (with the collaboration of architects and engineers from the Arab Syrian Community Comittee for the building of the Embassy) | Built
Panels from AlWareh's graduation project | courtesy of the architect

01 All data in this text was aqcuired from the Architect’s Ciriculum Vitae, his courtesy, along with an interview conducted with him in 26 Augest, 2023.

AlWareh in one of the Faculty's auditoriums | courtesy of the architect

01 All data in this text was aqcuired from the Architect’s Ciriculum Vitae, his courtesy, along with an interview conducted with him in 26 Augest, 2023.

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